Guide for young men

Being fatherless can expose a young man to feminine chaos. He will see his mother over reacting to reality and over indulging to comfort herself. A wild and reckless swing that will absorb into a young man. Also he will see his mother submit to men and maybe she will encourage him to submit to these same men. This can have multiple effects on a young boy’s psychology. This can cause him to over react to the world around him. He will become lost within himself and begin to disassociate from the chaos. This can cause him to despair and to fall into nihilism. Either this will make him a phony who agrees, agrees, agrees in feminine submission to survive the chaos or he will become overly rebellious and charge bull headedly at problems.

A young fatherless boy will be disciplined in emotional anger or he will lack total discipline. Rarely will a single mother discipline in correct measure. It is because he is just a silly and emotional woman trying her best to survive. Do not blame her for the chaos. It is her nature. If a man is emotionally hit in discipline he will view reality as a raging hot head who must control his emasculation through hot headed solutions just like a woman. Or if he lacks total discipline he will be lost and sensitive to the harsh realities of life. Both types of men most times see their mothers suffering outside masculine frame and comforting themselves in over indulgence. Women outside frame will eat their pain away or maybe they will drink their sorrows away. This can prime a man for dealing with his problems by surrendering to over indulgence. But as men we know that it is merely a temporary escape that stacks problems. And the weight of those neglected problems will weigh heavy and will not fade simply because they are ignored. And eventually they will collapse on a man and will send him spiraling into despair. Women ignore problems and hide in fantasy. Young men without fatherly discipline will fall into over indulgence like women. They will eat their problems away. They will hide in virtual reality because they fear reality.

When a man is a teen he will feel tremendous emotion. This is due in part to his prefrontal cortex which is responsible for critical thinking is yet fully formed. His hormones are raging and the part of his brain used for rational thought is still in flux. Highs feel HIGH and the lows feel LOW. A feeling of alienation can overwhelm a young boy because of this bodily chaos. Add on top of the body issues, he could be in a violent and abandoned state like my own upbringing. One time, I remember feeling alone as all hell and crying in a locked bathroom in my house, wishing for death. Life seemed too difficult and the feelings of isolation felt that they would never end. But times do get better because the prefrontal cortex starts forming and the hormones start stabilizing. Our spirit becomes dulled to the trauma and we are able to see joy in life. Being young is a like being in a dark tunnel leading to adulthood. Get through the hard times, they will soon pass.

This feeling of loneliness can cause a young teen to look for association in the wrong places. Many young guys would rather hang out with bad association than be alone. But is that the best way? Many times, these so called friends hate themselves and will try to pass that self hate onto a young man. They will indulge in drugs and alcohol. Two things that stunt a man’s prefrontal cortex. Once the cortex is stunted, a man can be stuck in a dark tunnel for his life. Like he took a sledgehammer to the most precious part of his brain. That is is why it crucial for a young man to avoid association that encourages drug use. A strong and fully formed brain will carry a man into old age.

Or if a man is not hanging out with criminals, maybe he is hanging out with digital castrators. These types of men fall into fantasy and forget reality. They hide in obsessive video playing and do not realize that they must work hard to build in realty to make something of their lives. This was my type growing up. There was many times that JRPGS got me through difficult and lonely times. But as I got into my twenties, I still would play video games for hours every day. My time was spent in collecting and upgrading a virtual character and not upgrading my real world self. Many hundreds of hours were wasted in fruitless passion. What do I have to show for those many hours wasted? A digital character with digital upgrades? It is nothingness. And as a man ages, he will see it as such. And obsessive video game playing gives off a cuck energy. Women hate men who play video games because women are wise to what it represents. Digital castration. A woman sees a man playing video games all day like a farmer planting Jellybeans in the dirt. It is fruitless and meaningless. An escape into fantasy because the joy of reality is lost. There is more joy in life than pixels. And we are slowing decaying into old age. Every single second we are alive to make something real happen is a miracle that we must seize. We are alive and life is beautiful.

When a man is in twenties, he will think that life will just go on and on. This is youthful ignorance. Life ends. Youth fades and opportunities vanish with every year. Nobody likes give opportunities to old beginners. Youth is a commodity that must be invested before it vanishes. That is why career building and apprenticeships should be pursed in man’s teens and twenties. If a man wastes his youth in fantasy and then starts building late in life, he will find it more difficult. Do you want to be the old guy who is being taught by a young guy? There will be disrespect and mocking in the pathetic condition. And to old guys trying to make it. Better late than never. Just keep your head down and push forward. But better for a young guy to invest his youth while he still can. When I was in my twenties I would play my PlayStation obsessively. But when I hit 25yo, I knew I needed to establish a career by 30yo. Because I knew innately that old beginners start to appear desperate and opportunities will fade. I knew this innately and so I hustled by taking night classes in coding. And by the time I turned 30yo, I had a career in coding. (Now I am focusing on being my own man by making a living on writing) A man should view his life like chapters. 20yo is a start and there should be a real world goal by 30y. Once that goal is attained, there should be another goal by 40yo and on and on until death. Every decade should be a step up from the previous decade. A man must increase his dignity as he ages or he will fall into pathetic grey headedness. And no one likes an old boy or a immature elder. Take your life seriously and hustle. Hustle like there is no tomorrow because their is no tomorrow for many things. Youth is one such thing that a man either has or he does not. Better to learn and hustle in new beginnings during youth. Put down the game controller and start thinking about dignified work. Not just a job. Think about a career or starting a business. A man can get a job at any age. But careers take a long view of reality and require skill. And skilled employment gives a man great dignity. Because a man is his work. If a man becomes old and has the same job as a teen. There is a lack of dignity at his position. He does the work of someone who can easily replace him. DO you want to work in a job that someone can be trained in a day or two? Or do you want a job that takes years of training? Think about skilled employment because that is the greater protection as a man gets older. Become dignified in work.

The dangers of early pussy.

Besides drugs, alcohol and videos games; there is pussy. A man’s sexual drive is energy and energy can be harnessed or wasted. If a man is only thinking about sex and chasing pussy is time he is not chasing his dreams. That is why the most pathetic men later in life are the guys who got the most pussy when they were young. This early pussy stagnated their potential and made them lazy. A man should use the want of pussy to propel in his masculine ambition. Women will be there when you are 30yo. Hustle and grind. Ignore the pussy distractions and focus on non sexual tasks. And this will only fuel women’s interests in you as they love a man on his own mission. And that mission should be in learning and grinding in your masculine ambition. A man who keeps his focus will reap reward from that focus his who life. What do you think I was doing as a teen? While other guys were out fucking, I was alone in my room reading. And who is a writer? Not the early fuckers. They can barely read, let alone write. Stay within the tunnel of discipline from teens through twenties. And then by the time a man turns 30yo, he will be established enough to enjoy his harvest of self. His prefrontal cortex will be sharp from avoiding drugs and alcohol. He will have invested wisely his time in his ambitions and then the world will rejoice around him. His dignity will be a crown on his head. And the fools who chased pussy, got black out drunk and did drugs will be clutching their video game controllers with grey hair. How pathetic. Truly. They wasted their youth and will be in a hell state of buffoonery of their own making. A living mockery of wasted potential. Listen to my words and hustle. Youth wasted is lost forever. Protect the brain from booze and drugs. Remember that feelings of loneliness and alienation are part of the teenage condition. Work through the tunnel of suffering and seek discipine. Have 5 year goals and have 10 year goals. Keep leveling up in the real world and not just in a video game.

Protect your young brain. It is still forming.

Focus. Don’t let pussy distract.

Study and be disciplined.

Pick up a book. Put down the drugs. Focus. Women will be there after the years of hustling. Focus on non sexual things. You will not regret it.


Are beards masculine?