Bipolar: A fire that fuels and consumes

There is much to discuss on Bipolar. There is a lot to think about. Such as whether it is genetic or psychological. Or most likely a mixture of both. When I write, I want to expand out on many topics which leads me to writing books. Maybe some day I will write an entire book on living with bipolar and how it has effected me personally and my views on it as a whole. But the point of this article will be to discuss the curiosity of why Bipolar tends to be a gift with men and why it tends to be a curse with women.

Let us narrow our focus to what Bipolar does to a body and mind and then we can expand out to the differences between men and women.

Bipolar is a fiery energy that is as if God gives cocaine to an individual. The energy comes in waves (Highs and lows) and is showcased by obsessive energy and an irrational belief in self. A man who has bipolar will be roaring through his day with high belief and high energy. In his mind he will be thinking “I am fire. I am wind. I am earth. I am water. I am all elements flowing through the center of all things” Sound irrational? Maybe it is. Maybe it is not. It depends on what the man is trying to achieve. A boxer before a match will stand before a mirror and tell himself that he has been sent down from the heavens like lighting. That he is “The Greatest”. This is a hype to the spirit for an action of great challenge. And hype is a spell we must cast upon ourselves to summon the courage needed to overcome a challenge that most hide from. A hero needs to steal the fires from the gods like Prometheus in order to create something new. And that requires the bravery to rise to the heavens and the confidence needed to steal their glory.

This courage in the face all obstacles is needed to transcend obstacles. And the world is full of obstacles that need transcendence. And it takes belief beyond self to achieve what makes most frozen and afraid. Even the act of writing is a brave act. Bad writers are uncertain and doubt themselves. This leads them to writing unsure sentences in doubt filled paragraphs in an uncertain book. The same for a stand up comic. If the comic doubts his jokes then the audience will join him in that doubt. All creative accomplishment requires self belief. Because we must set the frame of thought for others to join us in. Doubt is contagious and others are already filled with their own doubts. To lead others in a new creation, we must believe in the creation itself. That is one reason that bipolar helps creative men. It gives the the irrational self belief needed to create what others fear to create and the belief needed to convince others of the creation. A bipolar man believes he is utterly original and that his every thought and action is blessed by God. Is that good? That depends on the man. Many mediocre bipolar guys exist and everyone must put up with their arrogance. And that arrogance alone captivates women because they would rather have belief than doubt in a man even if it is foolish belief. Why? Because they require a leader and a leader must have self belief. What does it take to say “This crowd of people do not know what they are doing. I am going to stand up and say ‘Follow me. I will lead you’” Leadership requires strong self belief. And Bipolar instills in a man the belief needed for leadership, or at least the appearance of leadership. But when it comes to bipolar in special men or individualistic men, it further fuels their non conformist originality like in the case of Kanye and myself.

Another positive aspect of bipolar is the energy spike it gives to a man. It is not just good enough to say “I will ascend that mountain” A man must have the energy to accomplish that feat. Bipolar is a massive energy flow that allows a man to accomplish what he sets his mind to. This energy mixed with self belief allows a man to transcend the challenge of creation. How much energy do you think it takes to write a book? Most men struggle for a year writing a chapter (And not a good one) while I wrote three books in one year. The energy from bipolar is fire in Prometheus hands, Gods cocaine and the holy spirit. And I am a sober human. This energy is all natural and a part of my gift/curse. And I say “Curse” because being around a person who acts like they are on cocaine can be anti social. Very few are refreshed from that high energy. Most times they become drained and exhausted by the manic energy. That is why a bipolar man must practice frame like ten men. When a bipolar man practices frame as if he is lifting ten times the weights of other men. We have to hold back intense power and not just the normal expressions of the many. Most men who practice frame hold back a pond while bipolar men hold back the seas. But if a bipolar man is reading this, there is hope for him. Practicing frame is a great way to harness the energy and finding a creative passion can be a great way to expend that harnessed energy. A man must control the highs to control the lows. Our emotional and internal state is controlled by our rational mind and external techniques.

Next we will focus on why bipolar women are cursed and not blessed like a bipolar man.

Women are privileged creatures. They are prized with sexual privilege at a young age. Starting in their teens they realize that they only need to surrender to the right man. What they end up doing from sexual selection is group surrender to a prized man. It is low risk behavior. They see a man surrounded by women and their animal brain says “He must have good seed to reproduce with” And also they want to inspire jealousy in other women by being seen with a prized man. When they fail to capture the man of their real desire, they will pick a weaker man to surrender to. The key word is surrender. It does not take much effort in securing a reproductive partner. A woman merely needs to starve herself and surrender. A pretty simple sexual strategy. On the other hand, a man’s sexual strategy must be varied and complex to secure a reproductive partner. That is why men like myself write books to help men and why I wrote The Wall Speaks on learning masculine frame (And a future book on game is in the works) Being a man in sexual selection is like being placed at the bottom of a mountain that we must learn to ascend. While a woman is placed at the top and slides down with age. Sexual selection is the framework of our gender’s psychologies. That is why men must hustle and create. It is the frame that we are born into. We are surrounded by chaos and must create a method whereas a woman is full of chaos and has order brought to her. Men create, women consume. From the beginning to the end. Eternal.

Now let us discuss the effect on bipolar on the feminine creature. She already starts atop a mountain and has no need for creation. Man creates for her and she benefits. As she slides down the mountain of sexual selection with weight and age, she must slide in different directions that most benefit her. But she never has to climb. She never has to figure out the true suffering of sexual selection. She merely exploits suffering men who are hustling to the degree that she requires.

Think above this non creative and arrogant being atop the mountain. Bipolar is fire from the heavens that instills belief and energy. What would a woman do with belief? She already believes and any more would only cast her in delusion. What does she need energy for? More energy to consume? A woman is not a creative by her very nature (There is some very rare exceptions to this rule. Creative women do exist by they are the most rare element on earth) Prometheus gave the fire from the gods to man, not woman. A woman is consumed by irrational belief and energy. She does not have the frame of control to harness the power. It becomes disperses across her body and brings madness. The irrational power makes her loose as she sexually spreads herself thin. Bipolar women believe they can win sexual competition by surrendering ten times as much as another woman. This creates further mental illness as a woman collects heartbreaks and failed romances. A man does not want to put up with a woman who is ten times more unstable in her emotions than a normal woman and becomes disenchanted by the over sexualization of the bipolar woman’s tactics. The power scatters and is not harnessed. It becomes lost and confused. It burns her in a fiery passion that incites her already heavy emotional chaos. A woman has no method to her madness and is already insane by nature. When a woman suffers from bipolar it is not used with rationale like a man, it is added to the emotional insanity that is already instilled in her. She does not use the power for non sexual creation. And when a woman tries to create with bipolar passions she only increases the quantity of her mediocrities. And when the world rejects her work she will hide in her feminine sense of oppression and innate slave complex. “It is them that are fools, they cannot understand my genius” This causes her delusion to increase until she is a witch living in the woods. That is what happens to bipolar women. Society cannot handle their irrational nature on steroids and so they forsake society. Bipolar women are anti social with few friends and many false loves. They lose sense of humanity and begin to disassociate because of their uncontrolled nature. It eats away at them until they find a rule structure that can help them deal with their mental state. Religion, witchcraft or any such supernatural meanings that allows them to avoid the responsibility of their own loose actions. No creation. Imagination that is never disciplined. And the will to only complain. It is truly a curse to the feminine mind because it is not needed in their own sexual selection. A woman is not meant to lead or create. This is the man’s role from the our biological selection. And that is why bipolar elements function better with men than women.


Are beards masculine?


Institutions wither in women’s hands.