Institutions wither in women’s hands.


The collapse of our times is coming. Young boys have been separated from their fathers and have been taught to surrender their authority over to womankind. The thread of civilization is unraveling before our eyes. It has come loose because man has been trained to be passive in his authority. For the past half century the family has dissolved into ruin and women have replaced men in the leadership positions in each institution. Feminism has gaslit men into believing that their surrender is noble to the progressive cause. These men fetishize their white flag of surrender as heroic, their cowardice as enlightenment. These weakened men chose fantasy over reality while women stripped them of authority. Modern man has chosen his state from disbelief in his own masculine pride. He was never given belief in his own gender from fear of being viewed a “Sexist”. These weak men are ruled by feminine group dynamics. They fear standing out and excommunication. They would rather sit in humiliation than be outcast in bravery. This type of man watches his own downfall. Without a strong father, he only knows the feminine frame of authority that he was given from childhood. To give away power to women has become second nature to him. The women who raised this man inculcated into him an emotional worldview. Whatever uncertain stirrings in his stomach must be eased in confession to the holy mother above him. The feminist priest demonizes masculinity while parading sexual degeneracy before her congregation. She raises her hands before weak men with their families and preaches the gospel of permissiveness and instructs each to follow their heart.


She becomes the pied piper of weak willed seduction as she leads them further away from what is tried and true.

in women’s hands each ancient religion becomes a sex cult with the accelerated rebirth of paganism.

Everything nailed down becomes pulled up and transformed into her image. She whispers in support of an attitude of inclusivity. She welcomes the devil to the table and speaks of moral relativism. Rulesets are created and then immediate ignored. What is before is ignored for the shiny emotional moment. Chaos pours out from her soul as weak men fall into the whirlpool of her destruction. Weak men who sit silent, who become passive voyeurs to their own humiliation in their own house. Weak men controlled from the crumbs of the promise of sexual release who think of small gratification like a betrayal of a savior for mere silver. Men who let Jezebels assume control only because they refuse to summon strength to lead. These men watch as gender fluidity spreads in their communities because not one of them has the social bravery to say what needs to be said. That sexuality has influence on growing minds. That to celebrate is to encourage.

That is the key.

Social bravery. A man who has the balls to speak of right and wrong based ancient wisdom. A man who sees the dissolution of the biological family and is not afraid to speak of its enemy. A man who removes the Jezebel from the pulpit before his children are corrupted with her ego. Before his children are told to ignore what is written for what is seen. Before they become weakened into the feminine frame of authority. A man willing to take brave action before the nose of civilization dips below the surface of hell.

Women do not create, they undo what men create. Men create businesses, sports, men create religions, men create civilizations and philosophies while women sit by until they can invade each one of them.

What does a female created political philosophy look like? Anarchism. What does a female created religion look like? Paganism. What does a female created business look like? Cupcakes.

In our masculinity reawakening we will be making brave stands against the reaching hands of feminine chaos. We wont let them bring our ship down. We wont let them sink us before we come to shore. That is why we pass frame. That is why we will not stop until every woman kneels in submission before every man and until every Jezebel repents.

Order fights chaos. Do not let a woman deny the rules that have been passed along by our forefathers. Do not let women let degenerates babysit your children because they speak of inclusion and feelings. There is only fire behind feminine rule. There is only chaos behind a woman’s throne. And when the kingdom falls. Do not be surprised when heads roll.

Read her the rules of the game and make her sit down in silence.


Because we created the game and wrote the rule book.

Pick up, carry and pass frame.


Bipolar: A fire that fuels and consumes


Equality is an irrational illusion.