A woman needs group help.
A man’s masculine frame is dependent on his own validation. This spirit of individualism keeps his reality strong regardless of outside emotional validation.
Women on the other hand are dependent on emotional validation and feel lost if their surrounding emotional network disappears or forsakes them.
They exist like a strand in an emotional web. To be cut off from the surrounding network is to be punished. Women require emotional support to ease their own anxiety. They need a smile from a stranger to reassure them of safety.
This attitude is based on their ancestral memory of bearing children and being at the mercy of nature. They need emotional support to ease their fears while their men are on the long hunt. They need fellow sisters to help care for their children when they are sick or impaired. And this is while they suffer in their own biology from monthly hormone disruption.
A woman’s ancestral memory will control her regardless of modern feminist conditioning.
The more a being requires emotional validation, the more his being will need emotional support.
That is why when a man starts minimizing his expression, his need for emotional validation will lessen. If he begins to express himself more like an unframed man then he will require others more for his own emotional stability like a woman.
This emotional view is why women are collectivist by nature. They need the group like a stand up comic needs an audience. If the group judges harshly then they become depressed by this external judgement.
The difference in the sexes comes from the internal doubt within. A framed man is disconnected from his emotion and will view group disagreement through a rational lens. Framed men do not emotionally sink when surrounded by disbelievers, they may wonder in rationality why the groups differs from them but they do not become emotionally hurt by the difference. A woman or feminized man will become emotionally traumatized when surrounded by disbelievers, this group disbelief makes them feel like they are holding breath under water. They will try to qualify to the group as quick as they can to break the emotional waters surface for breath. If the group disagrees then they feel cut off from their support network. That is why a woman will mindlessly follow groupthink, she needs the air of approval.
This philosophy comes from a woman choosing safety above risk. It is dangerous and foolish to disagree with the tribe when you are dependent on its good graces for survival. It is easier to just follow along to the group and to bend the self to its hive mind regardless of internal agreement.
A framed man is not afraid to stand out from a group in disagreement because rationality is separated from emotional validation. A man would rather risk upsetting the established order if the group is ruled by irrationality.
This collectivist worldview is why women would rather a promise of security over the danger of independence. They see independence in their ancestral mind as being separated from the tribe with starving children in each hand. They would rather sacrifice their very identity to preserve the safety of their offspring.
If a man disagrees with a tribe, he exits the tribe. If a woman disagrees with the tribe, she exits her dignity.
That is the pattern since the beginning.
A mother sacrifices his own dignity for not only her survival but the survival of her children.
“But JERR” a voice calls out from off the page “That is beautiful and doesn’t sound bad”
True, a woman’s innate self sacrifice for her children is beautiful. But can snowball into irrational group worship if not checked by a man’s rational independent frame.
For example if a group of women ruled over men they would have safety committees that would force men to behave based on authoritarian guidelines instead of individual freedom.
We see this with modern women outside of masculine frame who coddle children indoors from fear of worst case scenarios. They would rather cripple the psychology of children than allow them to become hurt from reality. A entire generation of young men were prevented from roaming free outside their mothers ever watchful eye. These forgotten men were not allowed to risk adventure in youth to build strength in their independence of their being. These over protective mothers coddled them in fear and instilled in them an anxiety of life.
A caring father holds back the fearful mother and allows children to face reality on their own.
What do we see in modern times?
The weaker the individual becomes, the more each individual relies on group for survival.
If the government parades out experts in safety then it becomes selfish to disagree. To be an individual who values risk above safety is seen as selfish. To these feminized beings, better to sacrifice the self for the greater good. Who cares about freedom when the anxiety of life is at an all time high?
That is why we see state worship rising and individuals being persecuted for disagreeing with groupthink.
Without fathers having an influence on this forgotten generation, we will see a worship of government and a worship of the promises of safety. We will see feminized men attacking masculinity as selfish against the interests of the hive mind. They will persecute any who refuse to worship authority blindly like a woman.
That is why it is crucial for this generation to risk life and to become emboldened in individualism. This generation must hold back all the fearful mothers who attempt to coddle from their own life anxiety. These women want infantilize boys because they fear their growth. They want to create submissive children who will fit more easy into collective. They want to lobotomize these children of individualism to spare them the pain of tribal excommunication.
To be a man is to take risks and to encourage independence of thought and will within our neighbor.
If we make weak men who overly depend on tribe acceptance then the tribe itself will become weak. We need strong individuals who strengthen the rationality of the tribe by not fearing disagreement. We do not need anymore feminized beings who shrink before authority from the cowardice of their personal safety.
There is a quote by the rarified mind of Ayn Rand, a woman who is hated by feminists because she opposed many of their emotional and self victimized worldview.
“A “collective” mind does not exist. It is merely the sum of endless numbers of individual minds. If we have an endless number of individual minds who are weak, meek, submissive and impotent – who renounce their creative supremacy for the sake of the “whole” and accept humbly that the “whole’s” verdict – we don’t get a collective super-brain. We get only the weak, meek, submissive and impotent collective mind.”
Pick up, carry and pass frame.