Women sink boats.


Men create systems with rules, law and order with jurisdictions. This closed system can only be governed with adherence to the rule set with strict lines in the sand to where another jurisdiction begins and one ends. Men create borders to separate one ruleset from another. They erect walls to protect the laws and citizenry of one nation from the differing ruleset of another. This allows autonomy of independence of each tribe, just as houses that line a street with walls in between each family allows each their own system. Each family in their own box, living and acting according to their own tradition, culture and ritual. The head of the house leads his family through reality by placing their needs above others. He knows how much resource it takes to care for his dependents. He knows that he cannot care for every lost spirt walking the street outside. This thought is not selfish but rather giving to those under his own protection. The head of the house cares for those under his wing of authority and lifts their need above others.

This walled existence is masculine by design. We wall our nations and homes to separate our need from the other. It allows us to manage our own independence from the next. A man’s masculine frame is a wall that separates his inner desire from his woman’s mind. She complains about his emotional detachment the same as she would complain about the wall at the border. Women hate walls in speech but hide behind them by action. It is the same with the leftist celebrity who decries border control while living in comfort behind electric fence. A woman wants to speak of compassion while shrugging the responsibility that the compassion requires. Talk is cheap eternal.

There is not a bigger of enemy of walls than the feminist. She wants to open the border with a bleeding heart without acknowledging the chaos that will disrupt the balance of the masculine order. She wants to dissolve the patriarchy by dissolving freedom. Because once a man’s house becomes open to all strangers, he becomes a slave to their need. The order of his family structure becomes flooded by other culture that lessons his authority over his kin. By opening the door to his home, he opens the door for exploitation of those he should be protecting.

Fairness is relative. Is it fair for the children in the home to share their bed with strangers? Is it fair that the children in a shared home must live with empty stomachs because the pantry has been open to all?

There is not a more silly word than “Fair”

When a woman wants to solve a problem, she creates a dozen more.

Think about it like this.

A man needs to get his family from one shore to another in a small boat. It is him, his wife and three children. He knows that they have enough food and water to last them for the journey. They come across a sinking boat half way into their voyage. The man can see ten men waving to them and calling for help. The woman on the boat pleads with the man to sail towards them to assist. She begins to cry, which makes the three children cry. She doesn’t want to imagine them plummeting beneath the salty surface of the sea. She doesn’t want to imagine the pain of their lungs as each fills with darkened water; The hope in their hearts dashed by the families selfishness.

The man explains the following scenarios to the woman in her ear. He tells her that if they stop to help, the men could be criminals and kill him while raping her. He tells her that if they stop and if the men are not criminals; the men would fight each other about who could board the small boat. They could at most help two men. This would only incite chaos as soon as they offered opportunity. If they took all ten men aboard their small boat would sink killing them all. The woman looks to the men shouting across the waves and looks to the children. She knows that she would be a bad mother to threaten the lives of her children with foolish charity. The man steers their ship away from the men and lies to his children about them about help being on the way to help the men. “They are in a shipping lane, a boat will come eventually for them. We cannot help them”

It is easy to speak of charity when the responsibility of care is ignored. And what happens when charity is pursued without thought? Boats tip over and chaos spreads.

Charity comes with responsibility. If responsibility cannot be carried out only increases suffering.

This can apply to nation states. What do radical feminists want in the world? They want to open all borders. They shame men as racists for wanting to control immigration while ignoring what unbounded immigration would mean to a nation. They want to feed and shelter the poor through government authoritarianism without realizing the freedom that would need to be sacrificed. They speak of the unfairness of capitalism without acknowledging the unfairness of stealing resource from those that gathered the resource in the first place. Is not theft unfair? Is not forcing an individual to worship the state by gunpoint unfair? A woman doesn’t know what she wants. She speaks and does not think. She will allow a small boat to sink with her feminine sense of charity.

Aldous Huxley once said “Don't try to behave as though you were essentially sane and naturally good. We're all demented sinners in the same cosmic boat - and the boat is perpetually sinking.”

A man must make painful decisions with rationality. He does not let his bleeding heart lead him astray. He does not let his weak willed emotionalism sink him. He makes the hard call and carries the burden of leadership.

Pick up, carry and pass frame.


Women weaken men from fear.


The wall speaks discussion board.