Women weaken men from fear.


A single mother will dominate the psyche of her boys. Without a man’s attention, she will reassure herself with the attention of her own sons.


Because a woman alone is a woman in fear. She is without the protector that a women have relied on since the beginning. Without a masculine frame to calm her innate anxiety she will rule over her children from that very fear. It is not her fault, as she is only a woman who doesn’t know any better. A mother will try to create good boys that will not end up in jail. How? By encouraging their emotionalism and priming them for a confessor state. What is revealed can be discerned and what can be discerned can be shamed. This is the main tactic of a woman. To make a man reveal himself by confession and then to shame him under her frame of control. This tactic primes a man for feminine manipulation and weakens his internal fortitude. By encouraging dependency, a woman weakens those that she herself should depend on. She acts with irrational ignorance to solve her own problem. A woman wants strong sons but also she weakly will encourage their weakness from fear of loss. The more she caters to her sons needs, the more her sons need her. This type of parenting intertwines her sons identity with the feminine frame of authority.

In romance, a woman will do the same. She will work her hardest to make a man dependent on her and then despise him for his own weakness. That is why men who were dominated by their mothers have relationship issues. They carry over this dependent attitude from their mother to their girlfriend or wife and create a mother/child relationship that only encourages their own cuckoldry.

It is this forced integration of the feminine with the masculine that traps a man into dependency. A woman will weave herself around a man’s world until his identity shrinks down to a controllable size. This control reassures a woman of a man’s emotional loyalty. She needs to feel needed to such a degree that she will sacrifice her own arousal in the process when the man becomes weakened before her. When the man is emotionally dependent on his woman and gets to the point where that to live without her is to have a identity crisis is a man unframed and waiting for his own cucking. Think about the feminine like a greedy host that tries to wrap its tentacles around you and when it leeches you of power, it detaches and seeks another. By pushing away the feminine control inspires loyalty from a woman because it displays independent strength. This display of power further attracts the woman because she cannot resist seeking power just out of her reach.

There is no other person that will treat a man like his mother. A mother loves a son because she sees herself in him and ancestrally knows that he will be caring for her eventually. A woman will encourage emotionalism because it is the only frame a woman knows. And many women have come from environments where men abuse their power over them which creates a hunger for power to avoid that emotional pain. A single mother will raise a weak boy who confesses only because she feared his father’s mystery. She reveals the son to cast out the demons of the father. This destroys the son’s sense of power in the process.

That is why it is crucial to push away the confession state that weakens masculine power. Push away your own mother and destroy the “Momma’s boy” image. And push away the girlfriends/wife who seeks motherly power over weak you. She seeks to weaken you from her own fear and will abandon you when there is nothing to gain. A man thinks of his own independence and this he knows is what draws the feminine into his orbit. Without independence there is only exploitation. To be cucked is to be traumatized, the masculine spirit should be protected at all times. Masculine pride is the most holy thing on earth. Defend yourself from the emotional control of women and see them happily submit before you. They will bend their knee to a man who stands tall and proud.

Pick up, carry and pass frame.


Equality is an irrational illusion.


Women sink boats.