Equality is an irrational illusion.

When a woman sees inequality, she feels the pain of the difference in her heart. It is like a knife digging into her being. “How can a man have ten of that, when that guy doesn’t even have one? What if we took five from the guy with ten and gave it to the man with nothing?”

Want to know more about the difference between these two men? Want to know what the object that the woman wants to split in half between these two men?

What if I told you that the man with “ten” is a roofer in the hot sun with ten water bottles? And the man with nothing is lying in shade and watching the roofer work. What if the man lying in the shade was the boss of the roofer?

The world exists in disparity of outcome. A man puts in effort and gets rewarded for it. But the reward is in proportion to the job, his talent and work ethic. A woman merely feels the pain and wildly flings out the most childish solution regardless of circumstance like a queen with her eyes closed to the issue before her. She points at difference and wants to smooth out resources with a magic wand of emotionalism. That is what motivates her. Her heart. It bleeds for those the “have nots” while simultaneously tyrannous to the “haves”. A woman will ignore how things come into existence while only focusing on the end product. She ignores the means of production which is the gravest sin of all. How things get created is a mystery to a woman because women since the dawn of time have depended on the creation of man. The vast glut of convenience at a woman’s finger tips have been engineered by man. The chains of her slavery to household work has been broken by man’s ingenuity. Man has surrounded woman with automatic processes that has freed her up only for complaint.

Why do women irrationally only see the outcome without rationalizing how outcomes are formed? (The production but not the means of production) She sees the creation while denying the creator.

All activity among men is based on sexual selection. Men compete with each other and women select the dominate male to reproduce with. There is a saying “A woman will wait at the finish line and fuck the winners” - This saying is dripping in truth. Women do not want to hear about all the work that went into building yourself up. She does not want to know how challenging it was for a man to attract her. A man must be strong without effort. He must present himself like an already formed god before her. She does not want to see the forge where his spirit had to endure temperament. A man only becomes visible to a woman sexually when the man presents himself in a supreme confidence to her need. She does not want to know the difficulty, trial and error in a man learning his own sexual selection. She doesn’t want to know how the sausage was made. A woman just wants to see the end product of excellence before her.

That is the key.

She ignores the process and therefore becomes a fool in her understanding of reality. What is the means of production for sexual selection? A man must realize both himself and the woman of interest while overcoming the challenge of both. He must stand atop the mountain that he climbed and see all below. Women do not see men bloodening their knees on the cliff face, they only look to the apex where men already transcended their journey. They only look to the end. To the finish line. That is how they see their own sexual selection.

How do women treat men in sexual selection? They give their sex away to men who are already overwhelmed by sex. They compete for the same top resource with other women. They ignore men who are desperate and low status. The distribution of sex is just as “unfair” as the distribution of money. Those that have are given more. Women give more to those that already have. That is by their instinct for their own biological success.

“But JERR” a voice calls out “That is sex… not Capitalism”

All things are based on sex, whether we search for it or deny it in ourselves. The sexual drive is what propels man in his creative pursuits. Even the nerd who only thinks of his science is pouring his sexual drive into non sexual activity. But by utilizing his libido for non sexual pursuit, he sexualizes the pursuit. He only thinks what he does is non sexual when in fact all things carry sex with it. Not in the erotic sense of the word but rather the biological necessity of the meaning.

When a woman says “Why cannot all things be fair?”, she first must think about her sexual selection which all things are based. The root of her selection is to deny other men to her sexual access. She chooses men she herself views as “Better” than others. Sound unfair?

When a woman wants to spread out fairness in society is like deciding that all runners in a race are to get first prize. “A woman waits at the end of the finish line and fucks the winners” - What would happen to a woman’s sexual selection in that scenario? She would scan all the “winners” and would look for an attribute that makes them stand apart. She would make them unequal in her mind for her own selection.

We are fast approaching an age where equality is becoming close to a religious faith with feminized beings. Without God and family; they moralize their emotions as true while rejecting the rationale for their own faith. They would rather increase security for all without looking at the blood required for the safety. Theodore Roosevelt once said “"We must treat each man on his worth and merits as a man”, this is true how women select men in sexual competition and this is true of all reality.

Pick up, carry and pass frame.


Institutions wither in women’s hands.


Women weaken men from fear.